Top Commander Event

The Top Commander event is an event that happens every 2 weeks. It is an event where you can obtain 2 new heroes or acquire more fragments of the heroes you want to compete for. You can obtain one hero at the end of the event and one during the phase 2 and 3 during the Lucky Roulette.

Every month the type of commander will change. The first hero type encountered is the riders’ heroes for 2 Top Commander in a row. It will then change to the infantry heroes for 2 Top Commander and finally 2 ranged heroes.

For the rider heroes, you have to choice between Sven and Jonathan as the Top commander hero and between Bella and Elena for the Lucky Roulette hero.

For the infantry heroes, we go 2 new infantry heroes released so you have the choice between 3 different hero for the Top Commander and for the Lucky Roulette. For the Top Commander hero, you can choose between Thunder Peterson, Eddie or Riven and for the Lucky Roulette you can choose between Adut, Robert or Miyamoto Doichi.

For the ranged heroes, you can choose between Johnny Kerry and Jacob as the Top Commander hero and between Chun and Julia for the Lucky Roulette hero.

The event is split in 6 phases, 5 phases during the week day and the challenge phase during the weekend. Each phases has different challenges or ways to make points. You can see on the screenshot below the different phases and the rules of the event.

Phase 1

During phase 1, you can obtain points in multiple ways. You can use your speedups for construction or research, hone your armament, use your armament trackers, spin the roulette at the Bounty Ground or kill Hives. Here are the amount of points you will earn for each ways:

  • 150 points per minute of speedups used in construction or in research
  • 3,000 points per uncommon honing components and 44,800 per Elite honing chips
  • 53,400 points per armament trackers
  • 5,000 points for every spin at the Bounty Ground Roulette
  • You gain points for killing hives depending on the level of the hives. See table below:

For each phase, you can obtain tier rewards. You can obtain rewards based on the number of points you have during the phase. You can find below the tier rewards of the first phase. I recommend to unlock all the tier rewards at every Top Commander but don’t score after reaching all the rewards if you’re not planning to compete for the Overall Top Commander Ranking.

You can also obtain rewards based on your ranking during the phase. But only the first hundred player having the most points during this phase will get the phase ranking rewards. You can find below the Phase 1 rewards:

The only way for a free-to-play player to score in this phase is to save all the different items for an extended period of time. I usually recommend to save up to 3 months all your items to make sure you’ll have enough points at the end of the Top Commander to finish first.

Phase 2

Phase 2 is the Lucky Roulette phase where you can get fragments of the new heroes. You can mainly gain point from spinning at the Lucky Roulette. But you can also gain points from gathering resources. Here’s how you can get points:

  • 80,000 points per non-free spin at the Lucky Roulette
  • 10,800 points per arrow consumed at the Great Hunter event
  • Gathering 1,000 food or wood, 500 steel or 200 oil will give 36 points or 43,200 points per resource node level 6.

I recommend unlocking all the tier rewards at every Top Commander but not scoring after reaching all the tier rewards if you’re not planning to compete for the Overall Top Commander Ranking.

You can also obtain rewards by ranking during this phase. But only the first hundred player and at least 800,000 points during this phase will get the phase ranking rewards. You can find below the Phase 2 rewards:

Tips: You can get extra point by sending your gatherers with 2-3 times the load of a level 6 node at the end of the phase 1 and send your gatherers back BEFORE they come back to your shelter. By doing so, you can accumulate 2-3 nodes per squad and collect your resources after the reset and potentially get 650,000 points. You can also send one squad to the alliance center and collect millions of resources for this phase.

You can also accumulate your token from previous Top Commander. I would also recommend to buy the 2 basic pack as it’s only 2$ for 4 tokens.

Phase 3

Phase 3 is the phase to upgrade your heroes, search for heroes at the police station, kill zombies, consume arrows, and earn points in water war. You will get points to grant experiences to your heroes, use badges and fragments. Here are the points for each ways:

  • 2,000 points per normal search and 10,000 per advanced search at the police station
  • 1 point per 50 hero EXP gained
  • See below the points per badge category

  • 10,000 per Legendary Hero Fragments, 2,000 per Elite Hero Fragment and 600 per Uncommon Hero Fragment
  • You will earn different amounts of points for killing zombies depending on the level of the zombie. See the table below:

  • 10,800 points per arrow consumed at the Great Hunter event
  • 2,000 points per Water War point

You can find below the tier rewards of the third phase.

You can also obtain rewards by ranking during this phase. But only the first 100 players and at least 500,000 point during this phase will get the phase ranking rewards. You can find below the Phase 3 rewards:

Tips: You can at the end of phase 2 create an auto-rally without attacking anything so when the phase 3 arrived you can cancel it and have an extra 1,500 stamina to kill zombies. You can also use you hero fragments to rank up your heroes. Fragments will give you more points but you won’t have these fragments to exchange during the Supply Recall event.

Phase 4

The fourth day is the training day. So you will mainly get points by training troops. You can also get points from zombies (See points per zombie level in phase 3).

Here is how the points are given:

  • 200 points per minute of speedups used in training
  • You will earn different amount of points for killing zombies depending on the level of the zombie. See phase 3.
  • 10,800 points per arrow consumed at the Great Hunter event

You can find below the tier rewards of the fourth phase.

You can also receive rewards if you rank within the top 100 players for this phase and have at least 500,000 points. See phase rewards below:

Tips: It’s better to train troops during this phase rather than upgrade them. If you have a lot of troops (starting for t4 depending on your training speed) to upgrade, it’s better to do it during the phase 5.

Phase 5

Phase 5 is where you need to upgrade your commander equipment and parts. You can also get points by training troops.

  • 2,000 points per carbon steel consumed and 200 per defensive fabric consumed
  • The points given for the part depends on the level of the part used. You can see in the table below the points for each part.

  • 10,800 points per arrow consumed at the Great Hunter event
  • You gain points depending on the tier of troops you trained.

Below are the tier rewards for the fifth phase.

You can also receive rewards if you rank within the top 100 players for this phase and have at least 200,000 points. See phase rewards below:

Tips: As mentioned in phase 4, if you have many troops (starting from t4 depending on your training speed) to upgrade, it is better to use your training speedups during this phase. You can also use training expansions to upgrade more troops during phase 4. For example, you can use your 20,000 training expansion and upgrade 22,000 troops then use your speedups (in phase 4) to have all your barrack time to 24 hours. So after the 24 hours, you will finish upgrading your troops during the phase 5.

Challenge Phase

The challenge phase is a combination of all the previous phases but you can also gain points by killing or heavily wounded troops that you defeat or that you lose. However, after reaching a certain amount of points, the efficiency of defeated troops will decrease.

Here is the breakdown of how points are awarded:

  • 120 points per 1 minute speedups of research and construction
  • 40 points per 1 minute speedups of healing troops
  • You gain points depending on the tier of troops you trained.

  • You gain points for killing hives based on the level of the hives. See table below:

  • You earn points for each enemy killed or heavily wounded, whether it’s a local enemy (another alliance in your region) or a Federation enemy (another region during the Dark Seal event). Note: The point efficiency will vary depending on the amount of points you have already gained.

  • 10,800 points per arrow consumed at the Great Hunter event

Below are the tier rewards for the challenge phase.

You can also receive rewards if you rank within the top 100 players for the challenge phase and have at least 600,000 points. See phase rewards below:

Tips: Most of your points will be probably from fighting other troops during the Dark Seal event. I will make a separate post for tips during the Dark Seal event.

Overall Rewards

All through the event, you can track the overall ranking and observe how many points you need to reach the first place. Finishing first or even in the top 3 will require a considerable amount of time, planning, and resources. Make sure you are well-prepared before going all-in on this competition. It’s extremely challenging to finish in the top 3, especially if there are whales in your region. As mentioned above, you’ll need to save for at least 3 months all your items and therefore sacrifice other events. This doesn’t even guarantee a spot in the top 3. Saving for so long can be also detrimental on your progress, it’s up to you to find the right balance between the rewards of other events and the rewards of the Top Commander event. However, if you manage to secure the first position, you will receive 200 fragments of the top commander hero, which is approximately one-third of the fragments needed to awaken your hero.

To help you, I made a Top Commander Points Calculator in order to have an idea of the points you can make for your next Top Commander and to compare it with the history of your region if you can reach the top 3.

You can find the overall ranking rewards below for the top 100 players having at least 4,000,000 points.

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