Lee Seung-Won

In this post, I will provide a detailed explanation of the hero Lee Seung-Won, covering how to obtain him, upgrade his skills and talent tree, and integrate him with other heroes.

How to get Lee?

The only way to get Lee is to obtain 10 of his fragments, and usually, the easiest way is via the advanced search at the police station.

Talent trees

Lee is a leader-type hero which means he is best suited for mixed-type troops and rallies. His two secondary abilities are zombie hunter and support.

In my opinion, there are two possible talent tree builds, depending on what you want to achieve with him.. The first option is to focus on the leader tree to get more bonus damage and defense but also a bigger rally capacity. His talent tree would look like this:

The second option is to focus on the support tree to have better control of the enemy’s traveling speed. This is a good option to kill deserters or to have a better chance to run away after your skill. Don’t invest Lee’s points in the zombie hunter tree, it’s a waste of his talent. You have plenty of other heroes you can use to kill zombies. The second build would look like this:


  1. His first skill is called Brutal Blow. You’ll need to generate 1000 rage to activate this skill. It deals damages to up to 5 squads in a fan-shaped area in front of him and causes a debuff of the enemy’s squads. This is a great skill to do more damage.
  2. His second skill is called Energized. It gives more damage to zombies and heals the squad after killing one. It’s only useful against zombies
  3. His third skill is called Koshien Star. It increases the attack of the squad if you lead at least 2 troop-type for example infantry and ranged. You won’t get this buff if you have only one troop type in your squad!
  4. His 4th skill is called Countercurrent Swing, which increases counter damage taken and increases the rally capacity (not the squad capacity).
  5. His 5th skill is called Death Home Run. You obtain this upgraded version of the first skill once you awaken Lee. It improves the damage factor and the debuff.

How to upgrade his skills?

For every fighting hero, you need to upgrade the 1st skill, the raging skill, first. I recommend upgrading the 3rd skill next, followed by the 4th, and finally the 2nd. The order would be 1, 3, 4, 2. When you start upgrading a skill, make sure you max it out before starting another one. You receive more bonuses from the final level of a skill compared to its initial levels.

How to combine Lee?

First of all, because of his massive debuff you want him as the leader of your squad because that debuff will still be in effect when your assistant hero launches his/her skill. You can potentially use Lee as an assistant of tanky hero, and use other heroes to make damage but personally, I didn’t like this option very much.

For a damage dealer squad, because of his massive debuff, you want him as the leader of your squad because that debuff will still be in effect when your assistant hero launches his/her skill. And then, because of the debuff in a fan-shaped area in front, you should pair him with another hero having a fan-shaped area damage skill such as Louis, Charlie, Freya, or Akemi. Also, try to pair Lee with a hero boosting rage generation for maximum damage. The best options to pair Lee with are:

  • Lee/Louis: Best combo for maximum damage but is very fragile. The squad formation would use 1000 infantry, 1000 riders, and remaining in ranged troops. You can increase the quantity of infantry to improve the defense of the squad.
  • Lee/Charlie: Second best option with good rage generation and more survivability. The squad formation would use 1000 range, 1000 riders, and remaining in infantry troops.
  • Lee/Freya: You can use Freya for a mainly rider squad.

For a tanky debuff squad, you can pair Lee with any tank, such as Raigoro, Tom, or Thunder. However, you need to consider losing the bonus damage of Lee’s 3rd skill for a full infantry squad or be careful in the talent tree of your infantry hero ie don’t use points in talents giving bonuses when leading only infantry squad.


In conclusion, Lee proves to be one of the most effective damage dealer heroes when paired with Louis. However, it’s crucial to note that Lee’s squad is quite fragile, demanding careful consideration during use. Additionally, attention must be given to maintaining the presence of the three different troop types to benefit from the attack bonus provided by his third skill. While Lee is a powerful hero, it’s advisable not to invest your legendary fragments in him; instead, wait until you acquire his fragments through advanced searches.

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